WELCOME to Jonathan Cuner !

We are pleased to welcome Jonathan Cuner to the SOFICADA IBERICA team.

His experience in maritime transport brings new skills to SOFICADA IBERICA and reinforces the growth of the SOFICADA group in Spain and Europe. It will improve and better organize the supply chain of the SOFICADA group to always better serve our markets and our customers.

New skills that open up to new horizons for us. Benvingut Jonatan y tot SOFICADA us desitgem el millor !!!


With a presence in Europe and the United States through its subsidiaries SODIVASSOFICADA IBERICA and SODIVAS NA INC, SOFICADA Group is an expert broker connecting industrial manufacturing and processing companies.

SOFICADA has forged robust, longstanding relationships with major European manufacturers to secure access to the highest quality raw materials, ingredients, and additives.